Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

At Your Own Risk

  • The field is a large outdoor space, and contains areas of uneven ground which could be concealed under long grass or other vegetation.
  • The field contains other hazards consistent with the countryside such as stones and overhanging branches from trees around the edges which may fall or have fallen.
  • Use of the Field shall be entirely at your own risk.
  • The Landowner accepts no liability for the death of, or injury to, any person/dog or for damage to any property. We also accept no liability for any losses, claims, actions, damages, costs/expenses or other liability incurred by you during the use of the field.
  • You agree not to let anyone else onto the field other than any friends or family members you have brought with you to enjoy walking your dogs.
  • By bringing friends or family, you agree that you take full responsibility for their safety and for ensuring that they abide by these terms and conditions at all times whilst using the field.
  • Users must report any accident, incident or injury to us immediately by contacting 01225 789795.

Child Safety

  • You are welcome to bring your children to the field, but they must be supervised at all times, and you are responsible for making sure that they do not injure themselves or break any of these terms and conditions.
  • Please be aware that the field has not been made child safe, and users must respect the area and contents. Children must not be allowed to climb our fences, gates or equipment and anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Numbers of Cars, People & Dogs

  • A maximum of 2 vehicles are allowed per booking and must be parked in the designated car park for the duration of your booking.
  • There is no limit on number of people visiting the paddock, however only 2 cars must be present during your booking.
  • There is no upper limit to the number of dogs present during your booking, however you are responsible for their wellbeing and must be able to competently control their behaviour during your visit.
  • All individuals must agree to the terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them


  • Although we will be inspecting and maintaining the fence regularly, holes or other damage to the fence may occur from time to time due to a number of reasons including digging by dogs or other animals, fallen trees or branches, and general wear and tear. If you become aware of any issue with the state of the fence, please let us know immediately and we will make our customers and maintenance team aware.
  • Happy Dogs secure dog paddock aims to be a safe space where you can confidently let your dog(s) off lead without having to worry about recall/the presence of another dog(s). Nevertheless, in the absence of any negligence, we are not responsible for your dog(s) escaping and/or leaving the Field, or you encountering another dog(s). You must ensure that, at all times during use of the field, you act as a responsible dog owner.

Parking & Valuables

  • Vehicles are parked at owners risk.
  • Walkies Paddock cannot be held responsible for any accidents, damage or loss incurred to vehicles or their contents and valuables.
  • Please only park on the designated plastic paver car parking area and not outside of the entrance gate in any circumstance.
  • A maximum of 1 vehicle is allowed per visit.
  • The 50 minute booking includes the time it takes you to load your dog(s) back into the car. You need to be ready to leave the car park at the end of your allotted time. No one is to arrive on site more than 5 minutes before their booking.

Booking & Cancellations

  • Use of the field is strictly by booking only and must be paid for in advance. Any breach of this condition will lead to your permitted use of the field being permanently revoked.
  • Payments are made through and paid for through our website. No cash must be left at the field.
  • When making your booking you must be honest about the number of dog(s) your booking is for. There are 3 pricing structures covering 1-2 dogs, 3-4 dogs and 5-6 dogs. Any changes to your dog numbers that would change your price category must be notified to Happy Dogs secure paddock in advance.
  • Each booking gives you 50 minutes field use, this includes the time needed to make your exit. This is the fairest way to ensure the field is vacant when the next person arrives. This is especially important for those visitors to the field who have nervous, antisocial or reactive dogs. You must not overrun your time slot, otherwise your permitted use of the field may be permanently revoked.
  • DO NOT attempt to enter the field before your time slot. Some areas of the field are out of sight to the entrance, so be mindful that someone may be using the field, even if there are no cars parked there.
  • If you arrive early please remain in your vehicle until the previous users have left.
  • It is possible to cancel 24 hours prior to your session or reschedule bookings by logging into your account on our booking system.

Entering & Exiting the Field

  • Customers must give way to pedestrians on the bridleway.
  • The gate to the carpark must remain closed at all times.
  • Customers will be required to open the gate to gain entry to the site with a booking code sent via email on the day of your booking.
  • The gate must be closed on exiting the site.
  • No dogs are to be let out of vehicles until the main gate to the site is shut.
  • All owners must keep their dogs on lead at all times whilst in the car park. Once having gained access to the paddock and closed & bolted the pedestrian gate behind you, the field is secure and you may release your dog(s).
  • On exiting the field similarly you must ensure all dogs are on a lead before opening the gate to the car park and placing your dog(s) in your vehicle.
  • Happy Dogs secure paddock accepts no liability for any damage or loss sustained whilst customers are in the car park. Customers waiting to use the field for their booking must remain in their vehicle(s) whilst the previous customer secures their dog(s) in their vehicle.
  • Please ensure that you arrive on time and vacate the field on time, leaving it secure at the end of your booking.
  • If the previous appointment is still in the field when your booking is due to start, please inform us immediately on The field is a large outdoor space, and contains areas of uneven ground which could be concealed under long grass or other vegetation.
  • The field contains other hazards consistent with the countryside such as stones and overhanging branches from trees around the edges which may fall or have fallen.
  • Use of the Field shall be entirely at your own risk.
  • The Landowner accepts no liability for the death of, or injury to, any person/dog or for damage to any property. We also accept no liability for any losses, claims, actions, damages, costs/expenses or other liability incurred by you during the use of the field.
  • You agree not to let anyone else onto the field other than any friends or family members you have brought with you to enjoy walking your dogs.
  • By bringing friends or family, you agree that you take full responsibility for their safety and for ensuring that they abide by these terms and conditions at all times whilst using the field.
  • Users must report any accident, incident or injury to us immediately by contacting 01225 789795.
  • Should you enter the field late, this will not alter the end time of your booking. You should ensure that you vacate the site on time so as not to cause any delay to subsequent customers waiting to start their booking.
  • Please be aware, there will be times when our neighbour passes through the secure car park area to access his property. As the main gates may be temporarily open, it is important that the small gate into the paddock remains shut at all times and dogs are always on lead when entering/exiting the paddock.

Code of Ethics

  • All dog poo must be picked up – biodegradable poo bags and bin provided. Spot checks do take place. We ask customers to please pick up any poo you may find in the paddock even if it is not from your dog.
  • No latex gloves, chewing gum, cigarettes, etc. in the dog bins. Only dog waste and the bags provided.
  • Please discourage your dog from digging, this can make the field insecure and dangerous to others. Any holes dug must be refilled and reported for safety and security reasons.
  • Do not drop litter or leave toys or uneaten treats in the field or in the shelter. Dogs may swallow them and become ill so please take everything home with you at the end of your session.
  • Harsh handling of any dog(s) either verbal or physical is not allowed.
  • Do not bring your dog to the field if they are or have been unwell in the last 48 hours. Doing so could be harmful to other dogs.
  • Dogs must be regularly treated for flea, tick and worm prevention and fully vaccinated.
  • Please respect the neighbours. If your dog persistently barks it will lead to your permitted use of the field being permanently revoked.
  • To maintain the professional integrity of Happy Dogs secure paddock dog trainers and walkers will only be allowed by prior agreement with Happy Dogs.
  • All dog(s) must be on a lead when not in the secure field area, specifically they must be on a lead when in the car park on entry and exit of the field.
  • All Dog Trainers must provide a copy of their Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance prior to be granted permission to use the field facility. Similarly Dog Walkers must provide a copy of their Public Liability Insurance. Inability to provide a copy will mean that permission to use the field will be withheld. Insurances must be kept up to date and valid for the intended duration of use of the field.

Maintenance & Health & Safety 

  • There is a mains water tap on site. Customers should use this to provide adequate drinking water for their dog(s) especially in the hotter weather.
  • There is a dedicated dog waste bin located on site and customers must only use this for the disposal of dog waste.
  • The field is a countryside based facility and as such although maintained by Happy Dogs there may be branches and stones in the field.
  • The field and fencing will be inspected regularly to ensure it is healthy and secure but please notify us if you have any concerns.
  • Customers must pick up any faeces from your dog(s) and place them in the designated bin provided. Anyone found to disregard this condition will have their permitted use of the field permanently revoked.
  • Owners must discourage their dog(s) from digging and any resultant holes from your dog(s) digging must be filled in prior to leaving the field.
  • Happy Dogs secure paddock may get wet and muddy from time to time (especially in the winter months) so customers must ensure adequate and suitable footwear is worn at all times.
  • You must remove all of your personal dog toys and training aids on leaving the field, being particularly vigilant to remove any broken toys or balls. Tennis balls in particular pose a serious choking risk to any dog.
  • The Client shall not bring in to Happy Dogs secure paddock any article of an flammable or explosive character, or that provides an offensive smell, or CFC or any civil, electrical, gas or any other apparatus without the written approval of Happy Dogs.
  • The Client will not operate the release of any high flying object, without the prior written consent of Happy Dogs and the Civil Aviation Authority .
  • At no time should any dog(s) be tethered to any structures within the perimeter of the site, e.g. Fencing, Posts, Gates. You must not climb on gates, fencing or posts.
  • Dogs should not be left unattended at any time. You should accompany your dog(s) at all times so that you are aware of what they are doing and can ensure they are safe and are complying with these terms and conditions.
  • In accordance with the law regarding ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ you are entirely responsible for yours and your dog(s) safety whilst at Happy Dogs secure paddock paddock. The law states that you should be in control of your dog(s) at all times. This law still applies at Happy Dogs.

Withdrawal of Facility

  • Happy Dogs reserve the right to withdraw permission to use the facility at their discretion, for example, during extreme muddy weather conditions, urgent field maintenance or where individuals have not complied with the conditions of use.
  • Subject to the reason for the withdrawal of the facility, any advanced payment may be refunded. However Happy Dogs shall be under no liability for any other expenses incurred or loss sustained by the client as result of the use of the facility being withdrawn at our sole discretion.

Right of Entry

  • Happy Dogs secure paddock will be allowed access at any time onto the land to carry out inspections and only decisions made by Happy Dogs regarding safety and fitness of use, will be binding.
  • Happy Dogs reserve the right to refuse permission to or evict any persons from the premises.

Illness and Infection Control

  • Owners must ensure that all dogs using the field are up to date with their vaccinations (including kennel cough), worming, flea and tick treatments.
  • If your dog(s) or any dog(s) they live with are showing any signs of ill health (coughing, diarrhoea, vomiting, general illness, lethargy etc) you will cancel any pending booking. This is to preserve the health of all dogs visiting the site as some may have weakened immune systems.


  • Happy Dogs have the right to cancel any booking in the event that Happy Dogs is affected by an emergency / ‘Act of God’ at any time. Happy Dogs will refund any fees paid in these circumstances.

Variations to the Agreement

  • Happy Dogs reserve the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time. When we do this we will let you know via email. Any variations made should be deemed to be incorporated in these conditions. By making a booking, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions on the website at the time of making your booking.

Personal Data

  • We require some of your personal data to allow you to book with us. This data is first name, last name, mobile number, postal address and Email Address.
  • This data is required so we can contact you with booking confirmations and gate code emails. Your data is stored with our online booking system provider.

Preservations of Rights

  • This agreement does not create any rights over the land, and the client hiring the field accepts the landowner maintains control and possession of the dog field at all times.

Personal Responsibilities

  • Happy Dogs secure paddock and the land owner are not responsible and will not accept any liability for any loss, damage, injury or death how so ever and by whom so ever caused excepting that caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of Happy Dogs, whether to property, dogs, or person(s) sustained whilst at Happy Dogs secure paddock


  • I/We agree to abide by these rules, terms and conditions, and accept that the use of these facilities are done at my own risk and mine and my dogs behaviour and actions are my sole responsibility and no claim can be made against Happy Dogs or the landowner.
  • I/We accept that Happy Dogs are not liable for any liability, losses, claims, actions, damages, costs, expenses or other liability incurred by the client through hiring the use of the Happy Dogs secure paddock.